Hi, I am Bil Erden.

My name is pronounced exactly as it would be if it had a second ‘L’ and is Turkish in origin. Speaking of which, Turkish is my native language and ich lerne auch Deutsch. Deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache. I currently reside in the United States of America.

I am a Web Application Tester ensuring the stability and security of a learning management system. I love working on new projects and have built various workflow enchancement tools. I have the Linux+ and Security+ certifications. I am excited to pursue the OSCP next and possibly the OSWE eventually?

I am currently learning to build secure applications and web application security. The workflow enhancement tools and scripts I write tend to utilize JavaScript if it is a web tool and Python & bash if I am automating a one-time task. I like studying writeups and PoCs, but what I most like is to test my penetration testing/ bug finding abilities using HackTheBox.

In addition to my daily work, I continue to study Computer Science with a focus on cybersecurity. I am interested in any research opportunities and participate in cybersecurity clubs/ attend security conferences.